Neil Puttock wrote:
2008/8/10 Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I think Han-Wen's point is that the first argument to
Staff_symbol::some_function(Grob *me, ...) should always be a staff
symbol (whereas the first argument to
Staff_symbol_referencer::some_function(Grob *me, ...) should be a staff
symbol referencer).
That makes sense.
In other words, the old code was ok but it isn't ok for
Staff_symbol::on_line to accept something that isn't a staff symbol.
Since that's the case, what do you think of the revised patch I
posted, which moves all the code back to
We currently have the situation where 2.11.52-2 is broken for
augmentation dots and ties, so this needs sorting out. If you don't
think the patch is suitable, perhaps we should just revert the leger
line patch and revisit it later.
Ah, sorry, I evidently hadn't read your last email completely. The patch
you sent on the 7th looks pretty much OK to me. My only concern is that
you use real numbers instead of ints in line-positions; do we really
support that? If we do, it seems that dot-positions will be pretty
messed up in that case.
Also, do we have regression tests for all this stuff?
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