On 18 May 2008, at 00:35, Karl Hammar wrote:
If one has more that one file, .lilypond could be made into a
directory instead. Various programs use this setup.
The problem with this is if you want to share your lilypond files,
you migth have to include all your .lilypond directory, and some
in there might conflict with other users .lilypond/*.
I think such things, like environmental variables too, have a
potential for creating problems, and are complicated to set up. A
module system is there to help avoiding name clashes. Then somehow
the library path needs to be set to tell where to find the top
directory of the different module hierarchies. Usually there are some
fixed places that comes with the compiler installation, like in /usr/
local/lib or /usr/local/share/ on BSD like UNIX systems. Then the
user might want to add some. I think the best way is to do it on the
command line, but some may want to set an environmental variable.
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