Graham Percival wrote:
"Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've added these headings. In some cases it seemed more
appropriate to add the Refs heading at the subsection level,
others at the subsubsection level. See Draft 6.
I would rather have them all at the subsubsection level; it's
suprisingly easy to miss one or two subsections is everything else
is at the subsubsection level.
IMO, these References are "common notation" anyway, so they would
make sense in those subsections.
That makes Draft 6 pretty useless then, but you're right. Having
one References subsubsection per section gives a better
correspondance with the snippet list, which is at the section level.
In Draft 7 (attached) I've placed a Common notation subsection
at the top of every section and a References subsubsection
immediately following. Seems to work quite well, but we've
now lost all mention of bowed instruments as there is nothing
left to say about them.
- Graham
Trevor D
If changes to headings are proposed the old heading is in brackets.
The proposed content is indicated in brackets under the heading.
The numbers are the sections in the NR for 2.11.43
2 Specialist notation
.1 Vocal music
.1 Common notation for vocals (was Simple lyrics)
.1 References for vocal music (new)
.2 Setting simple songs
.3 Entering lyrics
.4 Working with lyrics and identifiers
.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
.1 Automatic syllable durations
.2 Manual syllable durations (was Another way of entering lyrics)
.3 Multiple syllables to one note (was Assigning more than one syllable to
a single note)
.4 Multiple notes to one syllable (was More than one note on a single
.5 Skipping notes (new)
( - 2nd part)
.6 Extenders and hyphens
.7 Lyrics and repeats (new)
(new - ?)
.3 Placement of lyrics (was Flexibility in placement)
.1 Divisi lyrics
.2 Lyrics independent of notes
.3 Chants (new)
(from lsr and/or -user)
.4 Spacing out syllables (was Spacing lyrics)
.5 Centering lyrics between staves (new)
(from -user)
.4 Stanzas (was More about stanzas)
.1 Adding stanza numbers
.2 Adding dynamics marks to stanzas (was Adding dynamic marks)
.3 Adding singers' names to stanzas (was Adding singer names)
.4 Stanzas with different rhythms (new)
# Ignoring melismata (was Lyrics to multiple notes of a melisma)
( 1st part)
# Switching to an alternative melody (Switching the melody associated
with a lyrics line)
.5 Printing stanzas at the end
.6 Printing stanzas at the end in multiple columns
.2 Keyboard instruments (was Piano music)
.1 Common notation for keyboards (was Piano sections)
.1 References for keyboards (new)
.2 The piano staff (new)
.3 Changing staff manually (was Manual staff changes)
.4 Changing staff automatically (was Automatic staff changes)
.5 Staff-change lines (was Staff switch lines)
.6 Cross-staff stems (was Cross staff stems)
.2 Piano (new)
.1 Pedals
.3 Accordion (new)
.1 Discant symbols (new)
(from -user and lsr 194)
.3 Unfretted string instruments
.1 Common notation for unfretted strings
.1 References for unfretted strings (new)
.2 Plucked instruments
.1 Harp [new section to be added?]
.4 Fretted string instruments (was Guitar)
.1 Common notation for fretted strings (was Guitar sections)
.1 References for fretted strings (new)
.2 String number indications
.3 Default tablatures (was Tablatures basic)
.4 Custom tablatures (was Non-guitar tablatures)
.5 Fret diagrams
.6 Right hand fingerings
.2 Guitar (new)
.1 Guitar tablatures (new)
.2 Indicating position and barring (was Other guitar issues)
.3 Banjo (new)
.1 Banjo tablatures
.5 Percussion
.1 Common notation for percussion (was Percussion Sections)
.1 References for percussion (new)
.2 Basic percussion notation (was Entering percussion)
.3 Percussion staves
.4 Ghost notes
[Old Section Showing melody rhythms should be moved to 1.2.3
Displaying rhythms]
.6 Wind instruments (was Bagpipes)
.1 Common notation for wind instruments (new)
.1 References for wind instruments (new)
.2 Half-holes [new - wasn't there something recently about this?]
.2 Bagpipes (was Bagpipes sections)
.1 Bagpipe definitions
.2 Bagpipe example
.7 Chord notation (was Chords)
.1 Modern chords (was Chords sections)
.1 Chord modes (new)
(extract \chords and \chordmode from and
.2 Entering chord names (was Introducing chord names)
.3 Building chords (new)
(remainder of
.4 Lead sheets (was A lead sheet)
(remainder of
.5 Printing chord names
.2 Figured bass
.1 Introduction (new)
(penultimate and pre-penultimate paras of 2.8.5)
.2 Entering figures
(extracted from 2.8.5)
.3 Repeated figures
(extracted from 2.8.5)
.8 Ancient notation [Knowing nothing of this, the proposed changes are minimal]
.1 Introduction to ancient notation (new)
.1 Ancient notation supported (new)
.2 Alternative note signs (was Alternative note signs for ancient music)
.1 Ancient note heads
.2 Ancient accidentals
.3 Ancient rests
.4 Ancient clefs
.5 Ancient flags
.6 Ancient time signatures
.3 Additional note signs (was Additional note signs for ancient music)
.1 Ancient articulations
.2 Custodes
.3 Divisiones
.4 Ligatures
.5 White mensural ligatures
.6 Gregorian square neumes ligatures
.4 Pre-defined contexts
.1 Gregorian Chant contexts
.2 Mensural contexts
.5 Musica ficta (was Musica ficta accidentals)
.1 Suggested accidentals (new)
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