On Sun, 6 Apr 2008 14:44:54 +0100
"Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Graham Percival wrote:
> > Where do all the "for fingerings, see @ref{fingers}" comments go?
> Do we need entries in Specialist notation for fingering?  This seems
> too ubiquitous to be called "specialist", unless there are some
> special considerations for some instruments - harp, maybe?  Or thumb
> for strings?  If so, then an example of these could be shown, as
> below.

I say no, but a few people here wanted directions to NR 1 in NR 2.
I was thinking of an expanded "seealso" section.

Kind-of like NR, but without the Duration information --
ie only the "for proportional notation, see blah.  For ancient
music durations, see blah."

> 2.3 Unfretted string instruments
> 2.3.1 Bowed instruments
> Artificial harmonics
>         For a general description of special noteheads see 
> @ref{Note heads}.  The use of diamond-shaped noteheads to
> indicate harmonics on stringed instruments is shown below.
> @lilypondfile{..} [..]
>   (Example showing use of \harmonic)
> @end lilypondfile
> Bowing indications
>          For a general description of expressive marks see
> @ref{Expressive marks}.  An example of using expressive
> marks to indicate up-bow and down-bow is shown below.
> @lilypondfile{..} [..]
>   (Example showing up-bow and down-bow markings) 
> @end lilypondfile 
> Fingering for bowed instruments [if needed]
>          For a general description of fingering see
> @ref{Fingering}.  An example of using fingering for
> bowed strings is shown below.
> @lilypondfile{..} [..]
>   (Example showing indication of thumb etc) 
> @end lilypondfile 

We don't need *any* of these.  This material is *completely*
covered in NR 1.

However, I'll grant that it would be nice to see something like
2.3.1 Bowed instruments Material covered elsewhere for strings

Slurs are indicated with @ref{slurs}.  Bowings are indicated with

Fingerings are indicated with @ref{fingerings}.

Artificial harmonics are created with @ref{special noteheads}


Notation Referenece: @ref{the-above-stuff}

Snippets: @lsrdir{Unfretted strings}

- the name "material covered elsewhere for XXX" sucks; it's just
  used as an example.  You'll need to find a better name for this.
- yes, it seems a bit weird to have "material covered elsewhere"
  as the only item in the chapter... but hey, string music is
  easy.  :)

> Examples are pulled in from lsr and will be
> updated automatically if commands change.

Not in the .itely directly; they'll go in "Unfretted strings"

> We could also reference anything in lsr tagged with
> "specialist, bowed instruments" etc to enable new examples
> to be automatically included without the need to touch any
> .itely files.  This would mean defining quite a few more tags 
> though - would this be aceptable?

No.  Or, err, maybe "yes".

There's one tag per section.  If that's what you were suggesting,
then it's already done.  If you were suggesting more tags, then

The old section was called "strings"...  I don't know if
anything's been tagged with that yet, but the tag itself does
exist.  Nobody was supposed to tag stuff with NR 2 stuff, pending
our sorting this out but I don't know if that's happened or noNo.
One tag per section.  The old section was called "strings"... I
don't know if anything's been tagged with that yet.  Nobody was
supposed to tag stuff with NR 2 stuff, pending our sorting this
out but I don't know if that's happened or nott

- Graham

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