Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
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Am Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008 schrieb Brett Duncan:
The term "octave clefs" crops up in many places on the 'Net,
An octave clef is something different than an ottava bracket. Botch indicate
octavation, but while an ottava bracket (e.g. 8va) applies only to some
spanned part of the music, an octave clef (e.g. \clef "treble_8" for tenor)
indicates that the whole part is notated an octave higher.
It was octave clefs that I was referring to, not the ottava
brackets/spanners, in response to Trevor's reference to 'octavated'
clefs, since, as he pointed out, 'octavated' isn't a real word in English.
Kurt's original question was about what to call it when you *use* ottava
brackets. Personally, I've only ever called it an 'octave change', or
referred to an ottava passage/measure. 'Octavation' is not a real word
in English, and while I have no objection to neologisms per se, if there
is a better English expression that is clearly understood, IMO that's
what should appear in the docs.
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