On 2008-Feb-27, at 10:51, Anh Hai Trinh wrote:
Octave transposition seems a confusing, since transposition in music
usually implies that the passage is to be played in a different key.
Octave displacement does not change the key.
According to Harvard dict. of music 4th ed.:
Transposition. the rewriting or performance of music at a pitch
other than the original one.
To my reading, this confirms exactly what I was saying: an
"octavated" passage is NOT transposed, since the pitch is neither
rewritten nor performed at a pitch other than the original one. It's
simply that the (meaning/location of the) CLEF itself is altered by
the octavation indicator.
In other words, consider the following snippet:
\version "2.11.37"
\include "english.ly"
musicClef = \relative
f e d c \clef bass bf a g f
musicOct = \relative
f e d c #(set-octavation -1) bf a g f
It appears to me that you're saying the CLEF version of this is NOT
"transposition", whereas the OCTAVATION version IS "transposition".
Am I correctly inferring your meaning?
If so, I'll warn you that you'll have a very hard time convincing
me. ;-)
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