On 28/02/2008, till wrote:
> I just checked Felix Krohn again (well it is a bit outdated book but the
>  best I could find here in the library) and he calls it "oktaava" :

Thanks, Till, for checking this up. I asked my friend but he didn't
remember any special name for it - he plays piano and organs and that
kind of markings are probably not common in that kind on music.

>  Korkeimmalla sävelalueella käytetään 8va---- (oktaava) merkintää viivaston
>  yläpuolella...
>  I think we could just put it "oktaava merkintä".
>  Note that he does a distinction in this way between oktaavi (Octave) and
>  oktaava (Ocatvation ?). I guess the word is taken from the italian/latin
>  origin.

Did the book suggest using that as a common term for all octave
changes (8va, 8vb, 15...)? 8va is easily translated as oktaava and it
sounds pretty Finnish - 8vb and consecutively oktaavb on the other
hand... :-) If we choose to use that then I'd loose the space and
write it "oktaavamerkintä" (octava marking) or "oktaavamerkki" (octava

>  Greetings from Rovaniemi

The same from Oulu.


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