> > I'm working on the Glossary for the GDP, and I'm stuck -- so, I'm canvassing
> > the list.  ...
> Oh, yeah ... I was also wondering:
> What the Dutch, Danish, Finnish and Swedish words for 128th- and 256th-notes
> and -rests?

In English, this would depend on which side of the Atlantic you live
in. Here in North America the standard terminology would be 128th
note/rest or 256th note or rest. I'm not sure what the British call
it. It will be something like semi-demi-hemi-quaver I believe..
someone will correct me if I'm wrong (quite possible!)

Most people in North America simply will not understand the British terms.


David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003

"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov

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