Am 2007-09-10 um 18:29 schrieb John Mandereau:

11 Page layout (new chapter)
   11.1 Paper and pages (moved from Spacing issues)
   11.2 Titles and headers
   11.3 Breaks (moved from Spacing issues)

The problem is, this breaks the unity of Spacing stuff in a single
chapter, and if we do this, we must have a look at the subsections to be
moved (which I haven't done here in my naive proposal).

Without spacing stuff (can anything else be added to this chapter,
btw?), a chapter about page layout containing only "Titles and headers" would be too small, so IMHO it's not a so good idea. Rune, we welcome a
better and more precise proposal, though ;-)

How about collecting the page layout with other print related stuff like lilypond-book, graphics formats etc.?
As collecting the sound output related (everything else than MIDI?)

Greetlings from Lake Constance
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Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

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