2007/9/10, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >>                + 6.2.1 Clef
> >>                + 6.2.2 Key signature
> >
> > Hmm, neither clefs nor key signatures affect pitches. They only affect
> > how they are displayed.
> Yes, true.  Rename section?

Hell yes!
What about :
"Pitches notation" or something like that?
This way, both transposing and ottava stuff should stay.

> 6.1 Pitches
> 6.2 Displaying pitches
> (move Transpose into 6.1)
> 6.3 Rhythms
> 6.4 Displaying rhythms
> 6.5 Bars
> (strictly speaking Bars would be a subset of Displaying rhythms, but I
> think this section works well by itself, with bar numbers, multi-measure
> rests, and the like all together)

> Hmmm... would we have enough material to create a
> Display polyphony
> section?

This could be worth trying.

> > I do not in the same way see the meaning in "decorating musical notation".

Rune: As i've told John before, "decorating" isn't necessarily
pejorative. It isn't just about making the score fancy and eye-candy
at all. When writing my music, I always start by entering just the
notes, then I print it and go to the piano to add every performance
indications. These are two completely different steps, different

I've managed to convince John, so maybe I'll convince you too :)

> > Well, isn't this also used in classical guitar? I am not sure, though.
> I used to get into arguments with a classical guitarist about what
> artificial vs. harmonics meant.  He thought they were opposite to what
> orchestral string players did, and I have no knowledge of guitar
> terminology so I couldn't be certain that he was wrong about that
> instrument.  To avoid these matters, I called it "artificial harmonics
> (strings)"

Well, artificial harmonics can be used in guitar music, but it is
non-standard. It is "officially" a bowed-strings practice.

> >>          o 8.7 Ancient notation
> >
> > Hmm, not really instrument specific.
> "Specific-purpose notation" ?
> "Notation for limited use" ?

"Specific notation"?

> >>          o 9.1 Text in a score
> >
> > This is definitely decorative. Put it in the decorative section now it's
> > there.
> >
> >>          o 9.2 Text markup section
> >
> > This would be a great candidate for its own chapter, imo.
> IMO we should include 9.1 with 9.2.

Agreed. But let's put the lyrics stuff before.

> >>          o 9.3 Vocal music
> >
> > If we consider the human voice an instrument, then this is very
> > instrument specific. Move it to that section.
> That's where it used to be, but singers complained.  :)
> >>          o 9.4 Titles and headers
> >
> > I would like a "Page layout" chaper, where this section should go.
> > Mentioning "multi scores in one files" would also fit nicely in there,
> > along with the discussion of the paper- and layout-blocks.
> I agree with this, but not very strongly yet.  John, Valentin?  You guys
> wanted this in Text; feel like defending this position?  :)

Well, IIRC it was your idea :)
I like that every text elements can be in a same chapter (I'd have add
instrument names as well). The main question a user will ask is: "ok,
I've typeset my music; now how can I add some text".
I do think we should start with Vocal music.
Other than that, i'm fine with it as it is.
Plus, I doubt we have enough stuff to make a whole "Page layout" chapter.


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