On 12 May 2007, at 20:08, Valentin Villenave wrote:

while translating I found this sentence in the Docs Version 2.11.23 chapter

What does the fifth do here? Wouldn't it be better to say: "inside the same octave" or something like this? It seems I don't understand this passage.
Why is it suddenly a fifth and not a fourth anymore?

In French, we translated "within a fifth" by "moins d'une quinte"
("less than a fifth" in English) , which is maybe more easily

In English, x positive means x > 0 (0 excluded), but in several other languages (German, French, Swedish), it means x >= 0 (0 included). In order to get x >= 0 in English, one has to say: x is non-negative. Therefore, doubling with mathematical notation is safest.

  Hans Aberg

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