Hi all,

My first post, sorry if I haven't lurked long enough to learn any posting 
protocols.  If it matters, I'm an OS X user...

One of the reasons that earlier wiki's weren't a big success could be that 
people do not want another place to look for documentation. Therefore the best 
solution (in my opinion) is to replace the current docs with a wiki. I think 
the way the documentation is done now is a little bit oldfashioned.

What about people like me who write music on a computer that is NOT attached to 
the Internet?

I personally like a two-pronged approach - I prefer core documentation (the 
"reference manual") to be in the form of a local pdf file that I can either 
view or print as needed.  I think that core documentation should be a mirror of 
what is available on the web site, with each document assigned a revision 
number and a date, preferably matching major software revisions.  The second 
"prong" of my approach would be to have some kind of less formal web-based 
information (the "user guide"?) with tips and tricks, FAQs, and/or lessons...


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