----- Original Message -----
From: "Pedro Kröger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "lilypond-user Mailinglist" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: Helping with the documentation

"Bart Kummel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >About the "tarballs". Most Windows users don't even know what a
> >"tarball" is.

Pedro replied:
> no problem, a zip file can also be generated. anyway, AFAIK all major
> unzip programs for windows extract tarballs and other formats as well.

Well, some zip programs cannot open bz2 files. But, the documentation
tarball is already so big, that only compressing in the zip format would
make it too big, don't you think?

> >In the current setup, every piece of documentation has to go through
> >your hands.

Pedro reploed:
> and that's a good thing to maintain quality and accuracy. if using a
> wiki he had to go every page to make sure the information is good and
> current. IMHO it's a mistake to assume that editorial control is not
> needed in a wiki. in fact, I found editorial control much harder in
> wiki-like environments.

I very much agree with that too.

Bart wrote:
>> Another benefit is that we don't have to wait until a new version of
>> Lilypond is built for new documentation to come available on-line.

Graham replied
>If this is a serious concern, I could start making doc tarballs
>available -- or even hosting temporary docs on my webpage.  I agree
>that sometimes this has bothered me.

It would be nice if somewhere in the documentation page there would be
informations like this:
Latest revisions:
April 2, 2006 Section 2.6
April 1, 2006 Section 3.2
This way people that don't use broadband internet could check on updates and
wouldn't be downloading over 14Mb of docs every so often.
These revisions could point directly to the on-line manual or also be a link
to a temporary documentation at Graham's webpage.

Now, another remark about the documentation page: The PDF for "Regression
Tests" and "Tips and Tricks" have the same name: collated-files.pdf. It
would be good to have different names for each.


Eduardo Vieira

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