On 15-Apr-06, at 5:41 PM, David Feuer wrote:

On 4/15/06, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just to completely clarify, my comment about making a tarball available
was aimed at people working on the docs, but who are not comfortable
compiling the docs from CVS.

I think it'd be great to make a tarball available that's almost
compiled, but not quite.  That is, it has everything complete but
instead of PNGs has Postscript fragments, and a makefile to run them
all through Ghostscript.  In fact... since LilyPond comes with
GhostScript, why not distribute the docs as a self-extracting
executable that does this?

Err... this is probably possible. Although we might also need texinfo, and ImageMagick, and... well, why not simply give people access to CVS? If you have the right versions of software installed, it's easy to compile the docs. That's how I do it -- I don't build lilypond myself; I use GUB. If you're curious about how this works, I could post instructions.

I'm not certain what problem this is trying to solve, though.

- Graham

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