
I'm relatively new to Lilypond. I experimented with it and explored the Fine
Manual quite extensively. I'm qorking now on a Project Gutenberg project,
which means the .pdf output needs to resemble the Original Score as closely
as possible.

I have three questions.

1) Can I hide, from the pdf output, the time signature at the beginning of a
(I've done the 2nd line of notes as a separate score, because it has an
additional Voice & Lyrics staff not existing in the the 1st line.)
Alternatively, can I have the 1st line of notes in a score having only Piano
staves, and the following lines with an additional Voice & Lyrics staff, in
the same score?

2) How can I add parentheses around notes? (Look at the scanned image --
link below -- to see what I mean. It's the two connected 16ths at the end of
the 2nd line, the 1st one with lyrics.)

3) How do I coax Lilypond into displaying the extra word "There" at the end
of the 2nd (middle) Lyrics line of that same music line? The Voice staff has
a polyphony, i.e. an 8th rest on top and two connected 16ths beneath.

You can look at a scanned image of the Original Score at

You can look at the part of it I so far managed to put into .ly at

Any suggestions will be welcome.

- Nov

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