Nahum Wengrov wrote:

I have three questions.

1) Can I hide, from the pdf output, the time signature at the beginning of a score? (I've done the 2nd line of notes as a separate score, because it has an additional Voice & Lyrics staff not existing in the the 1st line.) Alternatively, can I have the 1st line of notes in a score having only Piano staves, and the following lines with an additional Voice & Lyrics staff, in the same score?

Read Section "8.3.2 Hiding staves" and don't forget about
the remove-first option. Lyrics work this way by default.

Thanks, I already got an answer here to this question. I used " \context {
\Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver }" in my \layout statement.
Yes, but I hope you agree that it's a better solution to make a single score for
the full piece.

3) How do I coax Lilypond into displaying the extra word "There" at the end of the 2nd (middle) Lyrics line of that same music line? The Voice staff has a polyphony, i.e. an 8th rest on top and two connected 16ths beneath.

You mean that you want two syllables to be associated with
a single note. Just write them within double quotes, "two words" or exploit the fact that an underscore is treated as a space: two_words.

No, I don't mean that. I want the last note to be assosiated with a rest,
that has notes beneath it in polyphony.
One possibility is to skip the automatic association between lyrics and notes (i.e. to skip \addlyrics and \lyricsto) and explicitly specify the duration of each syllable manually. A much better solution is to associate the lyrics with the
notes beneath the rest.

Oops. Sorry about that. I'll be posting both the .png and the .ly files to
my website then.

Since you didn't provide any link to this website, we can still not give more
constructive feedback.


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