Of course you can fool LilyPond into beleiving that two words should
be treated like a single syllable. Either enclose them within double quotes:
"two words"
or use the fact the a single underline is printed like a space:


Stephen Torri wrote:

On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 23:43 -0500, Gordon Gilbert wrote:
Hi Stephen!

I compiled your piece and the only workaround I can see for what you want is to type "host-of" to get those two words on the same note -- lily thinks a hyphen is simply part of a word (as opposed to <spc> dbl-hyphen <spc> or *underscore* Does this help?

It works but its not ideal. If indeed lilypond is trying to engrave
music in the right way then I should not need a hyphen to make it put
two words attached to a half note.

Does anyone have an idea as to why I cannot assign two words of lyrics
to a half note?


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