What aspects do you have in mind? In the Regression Test document, you can
find an example "key-signature-scordatura.ly" that shows how to typeset a
non-standard key signature, which often appears in scordatura scores.
For the actual string tuning, I guess there are many different notational
conventions. In violin music, I have seen the tuning written as a chord
before the clef of the first line, and it's not hard to convince LilyPond to
typeset such a thing if you wish.
It seems that you want to have a textual indication instead, which is easily
done using
\mark \markup{...}
at the top of the score.


Tomasz Bojczuk wrote:

I couldn't see scordature description in documentation, so i think, there isn't this capacity in LilyPond, so... How to insert the string number and any letter under the first clef (or under time / key signature)?
Something like this:

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