The notational convention for songs is to write two slurred (or tied)
quarter notes. Since this notation means something else for a guitarist,
you have to decide if you want your typeset piece to be a guitar piece
with attached lyrics or a song that can be played by a guitar, in order
to choose which of these two incompatible conventions to follow.
Stephen Torri wrote:
On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 18:12 -0500, Gordon Gilbert wrote:
Also, I see time values with the words -- if you have them with the
notes, that should be all that is necessary. Putting slurs over the
notes, or using _ within the words should align the words to the notes
they belong with. Try tweaking some of your code -- or if you're a
non-geek like me, find a template which works with your version and is
similar to what you want (i.e. two instruments, words, etc.) and put your
notes and words in that file, a bit at a time, compiling often so you can
make sure it keeps on working.
The notes to which 'flesh' and 'keep' are associated with in the hymn
are half notes. For the guitars we are using quarter notes to provide a
more melodic finger picking pattern. So I don't see why I need to put in
a slur since in guitar music, see classical guitar, a slur indicates
where one note is plucked by a finger and the second note at the end of
a slur is pressed with a hammer action by another finger. I do not want
a hammer action. I want to indicate that each note is played with
I am trying to learn how to produce guitar music for hymns that don't
have it so I want to try and learn on my own for starters. Thanks.
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Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
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