>   http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.6/input/regression/out-www/lily-1601320616.ly
> On the resulting postscript, the Bulgarian and Portuguese are fine.
> But not the Japanese nor the Hebrew.  No Japanese fonts are installed, 
> but Hebrew fonts are!
> Could someone point me to maybe some command to be run to make lilypond
> aware of these fonts?  (I'm on Debian).

How can I investigate further what's wrong on my system?
Here attached:

- a LilyPond file edited with gedit (to insert Hebrew)
- a pdf output of that text file, showing that a Hebrew font is accessible
  since it shows up here
- the pdf output of lilypond, with no Hebrew characters :-{

Results of compiling this file on another Debian system would help...

\version "2.6.3"

sha = #(ly:export (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x05e9))
l = #(ly:export (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x05dc))
o = #(ly:export (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x05d5))
m = #(ly:export (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x05dd))

lyexport = \markup { \sha \l \o \m }
gedit = "שלום"

\header {
  title = \markup { "gedit=" \gedit }
  subtitle = \markup { "lyexport=" \lyexport }

\score {
  { a' }

Attachment: output.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: lily.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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