Lilypond can do everything and lilypond is for everybody. Yet, I don't seem to be part of this equation somehow.
I am getting very frustrated to get Lilypond to do the simplest thing, to create a PDF file with 4 pages of empty piano sheet music that I can use to jot notes on. That shouldn't be too difficult right? But how do all these little fragments of the Lilypond manual fit together? I need the \PianoStaff to get the braces I guess. I need \skip to get empty sheet music. I need some paper control for margins etc. I want to suppress indenting of the first system. I don't want page numbers I don't want bar numbers I don't want the big 'C' to appear All I want is 4 pages of empty piano systems with a trebble and bass clef. After having spent about 8 hours in total during the last week, I am running out of permutations to try. This is after about 3 previous attempts the last years to get into Lilypond. This time, it started to look very promising. However, especially the various possible combinations of new, context, staff, pianostaff and score (some working, some don't), puzzle me. I guess it is all there in the manual, but I can't put it together. If the learning curve is really this steep, I'm affraid that Lilypond will stay reserved for that rare combination of Unix programmer and Music enthousiast. Personally I'm more interested in working with music than with notation tools per se. I really appreciate the effort that has gone in Lilypond, and a non-profit effort at that, but that doesn't get me over the first hurdle. Below is the latest attempt. It still generates page numbers, bar numbers, and it refuses to put 6 systems on the last page. It always wants to put the last system of the last page on a new page, even though it fits 6 systems on each earlier page. And it puts the 'C' in the first bar. I'm using Lilypond 2.6.0 on windows XP. Any idea's/help? Thanks, Lars -------------------- latest attempt ------------------------------ \version "2.6.0" \paper { hsize = 21\cm vsize = 27.5\cm leftmargin = 2\cm linewidth = 17\cm topmargin = 1\cm bottommargin = 0\cm printpagenumber = ##f %% doesn't prevent page numbers raggedlastbottom = ##t %% doesn't prevent stretching systems over additional page } onepage = { \repeat unfold 6 { \skip 1 \break } } upper = { \clef treble \time 4/4 % \key c \major %% big 'C' symbols still generated \repeat unfold 4 { \onepage %% ínsists on using 5 pages, the last containing a single system } } lower = { \clef bass \time 4/4 % \key c \major \repeat unfold 4 { \onepage } } \score { \new PianoStaff \with { % \override TimeSignature #transparent = ##t % defaultBarType = #"" %% the two lines above cause output generation to fail completely %% despite having been suggested by the manual. \remove Bar_number_engraver } { << \new Staff {\upper} \new Staff {\lower} >> } \layout { indent = 0.0 \cm } } ---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list