I'm afraid I can't help with all of the issues, but I can give you a start:

-------------------- latest attempt ------------------------------
\version "2.6.0"

\paper {
hsize = 21\cm
vsize = 27.5\cm
leftmargin = 2\cm
linewidth = 17\cm
topmargin = 1\cm
bottommargin = 0\cm
printpagenumber = ##f

Not only does this leave the page numbers, it makes the first system on odd/even pages start at a different Y-offset. Bug?


\score {
\new PianoStaff \with {
% \override TimeSignature #’transparent = ##t
% defaultBarType = #""
%% the two lines above cause output generation to fail completely
%% despite having been suggested by the manual.

You have the wrong kind of apostrophe in the "#'transparent". This probably happened if you copy+pasted from a pdf: the pdf files try to make the output prettier by substituting a different symbol for apostrophes (the issue has come up previously on this list).

\remove Bar_number_engraver

This is wrong because Bar_number_engraver is part of the Score context, not the PianoStaff context. This stuff is pretty complicated, but the information is all available in the web documentation. The Bar_number_engraver page [http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.6/Documentation/user/out-www/lilypond-internals/Bar_005fnumber_005fengraver.html#Bar_005fnumber_005fengraver] says which contexts it belongs to. I would suggest turning the layout block into
\layout {
indent = 0.0\cm
\context {
\remove Bar_number_engraver
to get rid of bar numbers.

Hope that helps a little,

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