Hello Sven,

Thanks for your valuable reply. Yours was the only
reply that helped me. Otherwise, I got from "you
have to upgrade Lilypond" to "stop bickering", but
nothing else useful.

Your suggestion works like a charm, except for the
'C' which is still generated in the first bar. Since you
know obviously a lot more about Lilypond, do you
have an idea of how to get rid of the 'C'?

I tried this:

pages = {
 % 4 pages with 6 systems each
 \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()   % line added by me
 \repeat unfold 24 { s1 \break }

but this replaces the 'C' by 4/4. I would rather have
nothing at all.

I also tried adding

   \override TimeSignature #’transparent = ##t

in various places, with the \override and without.
It is either ignored, or Lilypond doesn't generate
anything at all, not even an error message.

Also, is stuff like "Staff.TimeSignature" documented
anywhere? I can only copy and paste from examples
and use trial and error sofar. I will stop bothering you
after this.

Thanks again, Lars


----Original Message Follows----
From: Sven Axelsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: lars prins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Completing the Lilypond puzzle
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 13:11:40 +0200
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On 09/10/05, lars prins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lilypond can do everything and lilypond is for everybody.
> Yet, I don't seem to be part of this equation somehow.
> I am getting very frustrated to get Lilypond to do the
> simplest thing, to create a PDF file with 4 pages of empty
> piano sheet music that I can use to jot notes on. That
> shouldn't be too difficult right?

No, it isn't very difficult. But I agree with you, the first step to
learning Lilypond is fairly steep. Now for your problem - here's
how I would do a bunch of blank sheets for piano music:

pages = {
% 4 pages with 6 systems each
\repeat unfold 24 { s1 \break }

\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff {\clef treble \pages}
\new Staff {\clef bass \pages}

\layout {
indent = 0.0\cm
\context {
% Remove things we don't need.
\remove Bar_number_engraver
\remove Bar_engraver
\remove Time_signature_engraver

\paper {
% Tweak the dimensions so the desired number of systems fit.
hsize = 21\cm
vsize = 27.5\cm
leftmargin = 2\cm
linewidth = 17\cm
topmargin = 0.5\cm
bottommargin = 0\cm
% Set all of these to empty, else Lilypond will use them in
% the layout and that might mess up formatting.
tagline = ""
bookTitleMarkup = ""
scoreTitleMarkup = ""
oddHeaderMarkup = ""
evenHeaderMarkup = ""
Sven Axelsson

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