On Fri 07 Feb 2025 at 15:03:09 (+0000), Raphael Mankin wrote: > On 07/02/2025 13:57, Brian Barker wrote: > > At 13:21 07/02/2025 +0000, you wrote: > > > Sometimes a song has slightly different rhythms in different verses, ... > > > Is there a neat way of setting such songs? All the ways that I > > > can think of are somewhat of a faff. > > > > I'll leave the experts to suggest duplicate voices ... > > > > But isn't an alternative way of representing this simply to > > engrave the four semiquavers and place a dotted tie between the > > first two? > > > > Brian Barker - privately > > > The music bit is easy. Aligning the lyrics is the tricky bit. When one > says lyricsTo or addLyrics, what is the target? > > I could split both tune and lyrics into several chunks and align to > each chunk, but that is a palaver and I am looking for something > easier.
You can add the lyrics to the Staff instead of each voice. You just have to add _ to each set of lyrics so that there's a syllable for every moment in the staff, ie both voices. BTW, posting an MWE would help. Cheers, David.
\language english \paper { #(set-paper-size "a5landscape") } mus = { r4 bf' g' af' << { \voiceOne c''8 bf'4 af'8 g'4 g' } \new Voice { \magnifyMusic 0.63 { \voiceTwo \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #1.5 c''4 bf'8 af' } } >> \oneVoice af'2. bf'4 } texti = \lyricmode { When blind moths flut -- ter _ by door and tree, Then } textii = \lyricmode { When night is one _ with the brood -- ing sea, Then } \score { \new Staff << \clef treble \key af \major \new Voice { \mus } >> \addlyrics { \texti } \addlyrics { \textii } }
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