On 23/01/2025 15:48, Walt North wrote:
Well, its a bit cumbersome but I was able to get this to work with
markup... Maybe I could put this in a function.
see code and screen shot.
If you would like the same formatting for figuring in TabVoice and
Voice, you could do this. There's no need to adjust the engravers used
by the Voice context which is already configured to display fingerings.
\version "2.25.22"
#(define RH rightHandFinger)
formatfingering = \with {
strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)
\override Fingering.color = #red
\override Fingering.font-size = #-10
\override StrokeFinger.color = #blue
\override StrokeFinger.font-size = #-5
\omit StringNumber
\layout {
\context {
\revert TextScript.stencil
\context {
\remove "Script_column_engraver"
\consists "New_fingering_engraver"
\consists "Script_column_engraver"
\context {
theNotes = \relative c {
\clef "treble_8"
<c-3\5\RH 1 >4
<e-2\4\RH 2 >4
<g-0\3\RH 3 >4
<c-1\2\RH 4 >4
\score {
\new Staff { \theNotes }
\new TabStaff { \theNotes }
Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.