People of LilyPond and/or MuseScore,

Over the recent millennium, clefs have evolved as letters of the alphabet in a 
fancy clef-font.  I have recently wanted to use clefs in the letters A and/or D.

The attached file in the Print Document Format (PDF) demonstrates 'my take' on 
the generalized concept and demonstrates proof-of-concept using the LilyPond 


I encourage the people of LilyPond to post the attachment contents as a snippet 
and hopefully to broaden the software to directly support A, B, D, and/or E 

I encourage the people of MuseScore to integrate A, B, D, and/or E clefs in 
their own analogous fashion.


My generalized concept is to have clefs for each of the letters in the set {A, 
B, C, D, E, F, G}.

Clefs for C, F, and G already exist and are in common usage.


I found an attractive SVG graphic of this kind of d-clef created by Dr. Alex 
HELLSTEN (mathes, FINLAND) and distributed using a creative commons license.  
What I've re-created here is a single-filled-loop version of the shape which 
has a lacuna where the indexed staveline crosses the gudgeon.  I've called this 
form of the clef "Delian" after Delia DERBYSHIRE (MA, mathes & music, ENGLAND) 
who first realized the music of the BBC Doctor WHO theme.  Dr. HELLSTEN may 
want to more specifically name it or its variants himself.

Dr. HELLSTEN has been included in the send-list of this email.

A, B, E

I've created clefs in the letters A, B, and E and made them to work (along with 
the D-clef) using the LilyPond software.


The details of all-the-above are documented in the attached file.

I felt driven to do this on account of the unfortunate resemblance of a clef in 
common usage to a set of double bar-lines (the neutral clef in LilyPond, & the 
var 1 percussion clef in MuseScore).  I decided the natural first (1st) effort 
should be to generalize the notion of clefs-as-letters for all the seven (7) 
initial letters of the Roman alphabet.

For-the-band, I've redoubled my work in MuseScore, so I put out this 
notion-as-news down both the LilyPond and MuseScore 'channels' at the same time.

Murray J. MacKenzie BSc CD1

from personal account<>
military account       <>

Attachment: 7 x letters clefs snippet MacKENZIE 2024 05 22.pdf
Description: 7 x letters clefs snippet MacKENZIE 2024 05 22.pdf

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