On Sun, 15 Dec 2024, Trevor Bača wrote:

> Is what's being communicated here that (for technical reasons) users won't
> *ever* be able to visit a single page of documentation somewhere and see all
> the properties that affect a grob?

Three ways to go:

* List only properties that are defined on the grob.  This will
necessarily miss inherited properties that affect the grob, but it's easy
to do automatically.

* List *every* property, including inherited ones.  This will include some
properties that have no effect, if such exist, and it requires more work
to do automatically, but it can be done automatically.

* List a human-made selection of inherited and grob-defined properties,
with commentary on when they are or are not likely to affect the grob
in cases where it's not obvious.  This cannot be infallibly correct in
every case, and cannot be done automatically, but would be most useful to
readers if it could be attempted.

It may be theoretically impossible to determine in advance exactly which
set of properties will affect a grob, but there's no strong reason to
think that erring on the side of listing too few is better than erring on
the side of listing too many.

Matthew Skala
msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca                 People before tribes.

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