Trevor Bača <> writes:

> On Fri, Dec 13, 2024 at 3:46 PM David Kastrup <> wrote:
>> Why would you want to list a property that has no effect on a grob?
> David, please go look at the IR 3.1 entry for TupletBracket ...
> ... and tell me where on that page users learn that they have the ability
> to override the color of a tuplet bracket to red.
> Go ahead. Where is that information provided?

This is the last answer I will provide to this thread since I am sick of
the insinuation that the documentation of LilyPond is intended to annoy

Can you please try not to switch the topic around with every post?
First you complain that not every property of a grob is listed.  Then
you complain that not every property having an effect is listed.

Then you post dares in order to show that I am talking BS.

So let us take the path here: the bottom of that page says

    This object supports the following interface(s): grob-interface,
    line-interface, outside-staff-interface, spanner-interface and

If you click on grob-interface, you get a long explanation of what
constitutes a grob, followed by a list of user-settable properties

     color (color)

        The color of this grob.

That an interface has properties does not mean that all of the
properties will be effective on all grobs having the interface.  You
think you can come up with a better way of autogenerating LilyPond's
documentation, but all you come up with is essentially "someone™ should
write and maintain a better version of all the internal documentation

The way to achieve this is to volunteer, not to complain.  But even then
it would be a maintainability nightmare.  We autogenerate the internals
documentation for a reason.  It is at least accurate.

David Kastrup

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