On Fri, Dec 13, 2024 at 11:00 PM Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Folks,
> please calm down.  Nobody here is insinuating anything!  As far as I
> can see, we have a clash of concepts that is probably not resolvable
> in *any* satisfying way.  Consequently, the only way forward is to
> minimize the fallout, namely by providing explanations what a musical
> term 'foo' means in LilyPond, and why there are differences to its
> standard, colloquial usage.
> > Most helpful of all was the suggestion that the grob descriptions
> > given as IR 3.1 ...
> >
> >
> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/internals/all-layout-objects
> >
> > ... be expanded to list *all* properties for a given grob, rather
> > than only the properties that a grob *changes* from interface
> > defaults.
> Jean has shown a possible solution to that, at least for the HTML
> page; I'm attaching his image here (taken from
> https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/6210).  We now have to
> find a way to implement that in Texinfo while still getting decent
> results in the other output formats.
> Now answering to other comments.
> Matthew wrote:
> > The point isn't to list properties with no effect, but to list *all*
> > of the properties that *do* have an effect
> As demonstrated by Harm, this is not possible, for various, mostly
> technical, reasons.  In addition to that, the IR is a static document
> that *cannot* reflect the state of LilyPond at an arbitrary point of
> time while processing an input document.  Instead, it presents
> LilyPond in a pristine state, before any `*.ly` files has been loaded,
> more or less (including LilyPond's own startup files).
> > But one might well also ask, if there are useless properties with no
> > effect, then why are there useless properties with no effect,
> Again, Harm demonstrated that this can be dynamically changed in many
> cases, suddenly 'activating' properties and vice versa.  If there are
> grobs that LilyPond really ignores by using hard-coded values instead,
> it should be documented, and it is a bug if there is no documentation
> for that.

Hi Werner,

Thanks so much for summarizing the thread; super helpful. My point in
revivifying the discussion from 2021 was to upvote the prototype that Jean
provided back then, so thanks for re-linking to his example.

I am a touch worried about something, though:


> The point isn't to list properties with no effect, but to list *all*
> of the properties that *do* have an effect


> As demonstrated by Harm, this is not possible, for various, mostly
> technical, reasons.

Is what's being communicated here that (for technical reasons) users won't
*ever* be able to visit a single page of documentation somewhere and see
all the properties that affect a grob?

Trevor Bača

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