Dear David,

I don't know of any command or script that adds an extra bar before measure 45 or something like that, so it's something that you will have to do manually.

I think the things that will help the most for this are dutifully placing bar checks in your file (to help when you're scanning through your file looking for the right place to insert music) and splitting up each instrument into sections, like in this example:

% -------------------
\version "2.25.19"

first = \relative c' {
  c4 d e f |

second = \relative g' {
  g4 a b c |

third = \relative c'' {
  c4 b a g |

fourth = \relative g' {
  f4 e d c |

instrument = {

\score {
  \new Staff \instrument
% -------------------

I don't usually put each measure on a new line, but even then I seem to have minimal difficulty with quickly finding a specific measure, as long as the music is not too repetitive.

I've had to insert music in the middle of a file before, and when that happens I usually first pinpoint the exact place by adding `^"here"` to some note (to make sure the text appears on the right note). Then I just add the music and use a lot of trial and error to make sure it appears right (the bar-checks help me figure out if I made a mistake).


On 9/27/24 14:52, David Bellows wrote:
This is a question that came up on Reddit the other day and I didn't
have an answer (it never happens to me).

Say you are working on a score with multiple parts (like an orchestra)
and you need to insert some measures into all the parts somewhere in
the middle of the piece. Is there a way to organize things to minimize
the hassle? Having to go to each file for each part and insert the
measures would be a huge pain especially when compared to how
relatively easy this is for other notation programs (so I'm told). And
if you have to do this more than once then it's especially cumbersome.

I know with some editors you can search and replace multiple files at
once but this feels like it would mess up any internal organization
with respect to bar numbers in the LilyPond file (in the comments).

I understand that many people only use LilyPond for engraving so this
isn't a problem for them, but there are those of us who compose
directly in LilyPond and this could be a potential issue.

I guess I'm wondering if there is a way of writing your LilyPond files
in such a way to make this easier than just manually going through
each part and changing them.

William Rehwinkel (any pronouns)
Juilliard School '26 - Oberlin Conservatory '24 -
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