Wow. Mahalo.
I don't understand this yet but I very much appreciate your response.
On 3/12/24 22:55, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
Mahalo, X. I am using the naturalizeMusic function and will look into
extending that. Maybe that has some nuggets to mine.
|\naturalizeMusic| is not going to work well on |\chordmode| music (it
will destroy the interval in chords, leading to wrong chord names),
but you can use code like this instead:
|\version "2.24.2" enharmonization = { c cis d ees e f fis g gis a bes
b } converter = #(make-semitone->pitch (music-pitches
enharmonization)) \layout { \set ChordNames.chordRootNamer = #(lambda
(pitch lowercase) (note-name->markup (converter (ly:pitch-semitones
pitch)) lowercase)) } bflat = \chordmode { cis dis e fis gis a bis cis
bes } \transpose cis' a { \new ChordNames { \bflat } } |
John Helly / San Diego Supercomputer Center / Scripps Institution of
Oceanography / 808 205 9882 / 760 8408660