On Wed, 13 Mar 2024 at 04:51, John Helly <hel...@ucsd.edu> wrote:
> Aloha.
> Here's an MWE to exhibit the issue.
> I have a flat note (bes) that I want to transpose down 4 half-tones to
F#.  However, when the transpose is applied, the result is Gb.  I
understand that a flat note was the initial value so maybe LP is preserving
that specification?
> Nonetheless, short of re-writing the whole piece in A rather than C#, is
there a way to specify the enharmonic representation for an F# rather than
Gb, for example?


Instead of putting \transpose cis' a you could put the enharmonic
\transpose des' a
Then you would have a F# instead of a Gb, but that would change the other
pitches as well in the new (equivalent) tonality.

There is also the naturalizeMusic function documented in NR 1.1.2 Transpose
pitches with minimum accidentals ("Smart" transpose) that could help.

Kind regards,

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