Yes, it very likely is not formally correct. As pointed out in the original 

> I'm not sure if the bottom version is formally correct, but I would like the 
> option to display a roll like that anyways.

Where the original notation (bottom version not produced by LilyPond) was:


I believe that LilyPond defaults to basically what you have, so much of the 
time was spent
getting it rewired to look like that. I suppose it's intended to be a more 
compact form for
rudimental snare drum practice.
think the idea is that for rudimental snare rhythms it's just

On Sunday, January 21st, 2024 at 8:20 AM, Sebastien Richard 
<> wrote:

> Hello Adrian,
> Being a drummer, I'm certain there is something wrong in the sticking off the 
> roll the way you wrote it (see screen capture below)
> I did a small example with the "unfolded roll" so you can see what I mean.
> Maybe what you want to do is the second example ?
> BR
> -----------
> Sébastien

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