Hello Adrian,

Being a drummer, I'm certain there is something wrong in the sticking off the 
roll the way you wrote it (see screen capture below)


I did a small example with the "unfolded roll" so you can see what I mean.

Maybe what you want to do is the second example ?



\version "2.24.2"

up = \drummode {
    { sn16^"R" sn16^"L" sn16:128^"R" sn16:128^"L" r2.}
    \new DrumStaff \with {}{
      sn16^"R" sn^"L" sn128^"R" sn^"R" sn^"L" sn^"L" sn^"R" sn^"R" sn^"L" sn^"L" sn^"R" sn^"R" sn^"L" sn^"L" sn^"R" sn^"R" sn^"L" sn^"L"

\score {
  \new DrumStaff
    \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \up }
  \layout {
    \override StemTremolo.shape = #'beam-like

up = \drummode {
    { sn16^"R" sn16^"L" sn16:32^"R" sn16:32^"L" r2.}
    \new DrumStaff \with {}{
      sn16^"R" sn^"L" sn32^"R" sn^"R" sn^"L" sn^"L" r2.


\score {
  \new DrumStaff
    \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \up }
  \layout {
    \override StemTremolo.shape = #'beam-like

Attachment: drum_roll_2.pdf
Description: drum_roll_2.pdf

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