Hello, please consider the following example: %%% \version "2.24.1"
global = { s1\break s1\break s1 } flOne = \relative c' { e1 r1 e1 } flTwo = \relative c' { c1 r1 c1 } \new StaffGroup \with { shortInstrumentName = "Fl. 1-2" } << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute 1" shortInstrumentName = "Fl. 1" } <<\global \flOne>> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute 2" shortInstrumentName = "Fl. 2" } <<\global \flTwo>> >> %%% I would like to have a condensation at the second bar (that is at the second system, where both instruments have a rest), showing only one staff. Regarding the names of the staves, when the two flutes are split, I would like to show the single names, while during the condensation I would like to show the name of the staffGroup Thank you Il giorno lun 14 ago 2023 alle ore 18:21 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> ha scritto: > Rip _Mus <ripetizioni.mus...@gmail.com> writes: > > > Good morning everyone! > > I would like to ask if you know a strategy to achieve the following > result. > > > > I'm working on an orchestral score. I'd like the two flute staves to be > > shown separate when they play, while condensed when both are silent > > (perhaps with a staff name showing the indication "fl. 1-2"). > > > > Could you help me get this result? > > I am not going to compose a whole example. Please provide sufficient > material for showcasing your problem. > > -- > David Kastrup >