Am Sonntag, 9. Juli 2023, 09:42:52 CEST schrieb David Kastrup:
> The latter is definitely the _natural_ way to enter this construct
> (single voice simultaneity) but I do seem to remember that LilyPond did
> not deal well with it?

The thing is that if we combine Simultaneous Music with implicit context 
creation Lilypond will create a context for each simultaneous music 
expression. So doing

<< c' e' g' >>

will create three staves, doing

\new Staff << c' e' g' >>

will create three voices, but

\new Voice << c' e' g' >>

will work. This is not necessary if the context already exists:

{ << c' e' g' >> c' } % Voice/Staff does not exist → creates separate contexts

{ c' << c' e' g' >> } % Voice/Staff do already exist → single context


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