On 08/02/2023 09:05, Cordelia wrote: > Yes, I see. Now the warning is gone. > > What I mean is this: > Now I’m start tweaking all the parameters and creating a nice score, but you > can see that each duration line if there’s a note that “superpose” on his > duration, it breaks. > I think it’s just a parameter to turn off, but I cannot figure out which.
OK, I see. You can create parallel voices with \new Voice, allowing the notes and duration lines to be independent. \version "2.24.0" \layout { \context { \Score proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/64) \override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t \override DurationLine.bound-details.right.end-style = #'hook \override DurationLine.thickness = 2 } \context { \Voice \consists Duration_line_engraver \remove Stem_engraver \remove Dots_engraver \override NoteHead.duration-log = 2 } } at = #(define-music-function (instrument point pitch len cent) (string? exact-rational? ly:pitch? exact-rational? string?) #{ \context Staff = #instrument \new Voice \after 4*#point { $pitch 4*#len \- -#cent } <> #}) << \new Staff = piano { s1*10 } \new Staff = violin { s1*10 } \cadenzaOn \at piano ##e1.67 e' ##e1 "-31.75¢" \at piano ##e5.96 a' ##e2 "+7.51¢" \at violin ##e2.8 c' ##e3 "+38.42¢" \at violin ##e1.89 e' ##e4 "+14.04¢" \at violin ##e5.37 d' ##e5 "+23.6¢" >>
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