Hi list,

I have this:

\version "2.24.0"

\language english

patright = {
     <b d' g'>2 <c' e' g'> |

patleft = {
   g2 c

right = {
   \transpose c df \patright
   \transpose c d \patright
   \transpose c ef \patright
   \transpose c e \patright
   \transpose c f \patright
   \transpose c fs \patright
   \transpose c g \patright
   \transpose c gs \patright
   \transpose c a \patright
   \transpose c bf \patright
   \transpose c b \patright

left = {
   \clef bass
   \transpose c df \patleft
   \transpose c d \patleft
   \transpose c ef \patleft
   \transpose c e \patleft
   \transpose c f \patleft
   \transpose c fs \patleft
   \transpose c g \patleft
   \transpose c gs \patleft
   \transpose c a \patleft
   \transpose c bf \patleft
   \transpose c b \patleft

\score {
   \new PianoStaff
     \new Staff = "right" \right
     \new Staff = "left" \left

It gives me a few instances of double sharps as well as some e sharps. How can 
I do that? Also, the programmer in me squeals upon seeing all these 
duplications, so I was curious how to reduce this to something a bit more 


Roosna & Flak - Contemporary Dance & Music
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