On 07/02/2023 16:57, Cordelia wrote:
> Totally, now it begins the game. But at least I’ve a starting point!
> I’ve to understand better the tempo and rhythmic values in lilypond.
> I’ve already added the possibility to write cents for exemple for 
> microtonality (a simple way).
> There’s 2 more things I could not figure out:
> - how can I allow the duration line to be over other notes

What do you mean by this?

> - now the possibility to range everything in an A4 format (I could do it with 
> ImageMagick, but I wonder if lilypond could)

See my other reply.

Another thing: this:

\after 4*#point { $pitch 4*$len \- } -#cent <>

isn't what you want. It passes -#cent as main music argument
to \after, effectively requesting "a note with a \- duration line
event, at a duration of 4*#point after the articulation -#cent".
It happens to put the articulation -#cent on the note because
of an implementation detail of \after, but better not to
rely on it, and it outputs a warning too. You need to move
-#cent inside the braces.

\after 4*#point { $pitch 4*$len \- -#cent } <>

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