> I don't know.  I don't write music with lyrics. 
> Let's look at the
> docs... Instrument-specific notation -> Vocal music.
Why  not look a lyrics which is what I did and I got
the following: And I couldn't figure out where to put
it because I go an x =y situation again. Remember you
know where to look in the docs and a newbie doesn't.
I also remember reading that  \lyricsto is needed to
line up lyrics to the text, but I gather the
\addlyrics is good enough...

Sorry I got confused but I did read the docs.

The next example demonstrates a simple melody with
lyrics. Cut and paste, add notes, then words for the
lyrics. This example turns off automatic beaming,
which is common for vocal parts. If you want to use
automatic beaming, you'll have to change or comment
out the relevant line.

     \version "2.4.0"
     melody = \relative c' {
        \clef treble
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        a4 b c d
     text = \lyricmode {
        Aaa Bee Cee Dee
           \context Voice = one {
           \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \text
        \layout { }
        \midi { \tempo 4=60 }

> Setting-simple-songs.html
> Hmm, it says that for simple stuff, just add
> \addlyrics under the notes.
> Let's see if that works.  Hey, it does!
> insert
> \addlyrics{
> type lyrics here
> }
> into your example, right after your notes.  Here's
> some context:
> ------
> %15
>          d''8. c''16 b'8 a' gis' e' c'' b' |
>          a'2 \bar "|."
> }
> \addlyrics{
> type lyrics here
> }
>          \layout {
>          }
> -----
> PLEASE, please read the docs!  We've spent hours and
> hours writing
> and editing the docs.  This question required ten
> seconds of reading
> the first section about vocal music!  How could we
> make this easier to
> find?
> - Graham

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