Ok I am now getting both unconfused and confused.

But both paper and layout deal with layout.

I see that structure  in lilypond is not a
documentation structure. ie a programmers structure.

If I were to build a document I would have formatting
for the page or the entire document and formatting for
the section. 

My  confusion is that lilypond leave the creation of
sections etc to the user in a way.

The logic is not one of nesting I gather but how
things are processed, as in python where each part is
processed going down the page and inner brackets are
done in a certain order.

I could then have I gather

layout anywhere in a document.
I would hate to hazard a guess that paper could also
appear anywhere?

What happens is that the terms become unclear and the
usage blurry.

I would love to see lilypond seperate presentation
from content, the truth is with includes it is
possible now, I guess.

That said 

\layout {}
\score {
\layout {}
\layout {}


would format each subscore.
Now for different movements of one piece would I use
multple \score blocks or are there real structural
block in lilypond?

Pesonally I find the structure and usage of \paper and
\layout a but confusing but now that I look at it from

a programmers perspective I at least understand the

however some rules such an not allowing \score

\score {
\paper {}

would help to unconfuse, unless it already works that
I will experiment and get back to the list soon.

--- Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 4 Jun 2005, Graham Percival wrote:
> > 
> > On 4-Jun-05, at 4:31 PM, Aaron Mehl wrote:
> > 
> > > So am I able to generalize from this that layout
> > > replaces paper (you said not and the docs still
> say
> > > that paper is still in?)
> > 
> > There is currently a \paper{} and \layout{}.  I
> really don't
> > want to talk about anything that happened before
> 2.4, because
> > I really don't know what the relationship is.
> See
> with follow-ups for some input.
>    /Mats

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