On Tue, 07 Jun 2005 12:46:27 +0200
Mats wrote:

> I would claim that this idea clearly has influenced the design
> of LilyPond from the first version. You can set parameters to
> determine the layout in the \layout{...} block.
> However, there will always be special cases where the automatic
> layout decisions taken by the program will not be good enough,
> so therefore we can never get rid of the need to tweak certain
> parameters at a specific place in the score. This means that
> it will be impossible to get a 100% separation of content and
> layout.

I agree and I accept that printed music is a compromise between
lots of different principles with readability at highest priority.

It can be argued that contents cannot and should not be separated
from layout, but as all extremes this opposite point of view is
also misleading.

Which is why Lilypond works well even if there are lots of details
to be mastered when one wants to write orchestral scores (and
voices for the instruments with captions, lead-ins or cue-notes

The intelligent nesting of "tweaks" is very promising.

/Donald Axel
dax2-tele2adsl:dk -- http://d-axel.dk/  Donald Axel

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