Hi Kira;

  Thank you for your elaboration on the performance aspects of the trill.

  I implemented the trill span; it was not intuitive to me to end the
trill span on the following note, but it seems to work.

  I implemented articulate.ly on the piece and the trill sounds
***AWFUL*** It sounds like someone knocked over the Piano!

  I don't think the 8notes.com's Piano arrangement of the "Prince of
Denmark's March" (or "Trumpet Voluntary"), composed by Jeremiah
Clarke, should sound so terrible with articulate.ly implemented, but I
guess I'm expecting too much from midi.

Ken Wolcott

On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 5:07 PM Kira Garvie <kgar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I can't speak to the Lilypond notation, but only to the actual score 
> notation. When is this piece of music from? Different composers used various 
> trill markings to mean different things, but the 16th notes, although they 
> are notated normally, are probably part of the ornament. There isnt really a 
> set "duration" for a trill, so no guarantee just "tr" would be an exact 
> quarter note - there can be as much variation in how someone performs a trill 
> as any other musical indication. (ie start the attack slow, almost a full 8th 
> note duration, and speed up through to slow back down for the termination, or 
> a quick sharp attack going rapidly through to the termination, or a gentle 
> ornament that ends on the main note and waits to terminate). To me at first 
> glance, the plain "tr" indicates to trill for the full value not because of 
> itself, but because of that little termination afterwards. The wavy line 
> after it just makes it extra clear what you are supposed to do. These would 
> all be impacted by tempo, composer, country, etc... performance practice of 
> ornamentation is just as ridiculously fussy and messy as anything else in 
> music!
> On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 7:16 PM Kenneth Wolcott <kennethwolc...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> So, it appears that \stopTrillSpan being placed on the following note
>> does not include the following note in the trill; I guess that  was
>> not obvious to me.
>> The third question is that the trill does not appear in the midi
>> output, but articulation.ly would implement it?
>> Thanks again,
>> Ken Wolcott
>> On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 4:03 PM Kenneth Wolcott
>> <kennethwolc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi;
>> >
>> >   I have trouble understanding how to implement the \startTrillSpan
>> > and \stopTrillSpan.
>> >
>> >   I have two screenshots.
>> >
>> >   The first is an obvious \trill, no span needed.
>> >
>> >   The second requires the span, but I don't know how to place the
>> > \stopTrillSpan.
>> >
>> >   I see the trill section in the Notation Reference.  It does not help
>> > me understand how to place the \stopTrillSPan correctly.  I could
>> > place the \stopTrillSpan after the following note, but that certainly
>> > would be correct, right?
>> >
>> >   Another related question: what is the difference in the actual
>> > performance of the two types?
>> >
>> >   This is partially explained by Wikipedia:
>> >
>> > "A rapid alternation between the specified note and the next higher
>> > note (determined by key signature) within its duration, also called a
>> > "shake". When followed by a wavy horizontal line, this symbol
>> > indicates an extended, or running, trill. In music up to the time of
>> > Haydn or Mozart the trill begins on the upper auxiliary note"
>> >
>> > So does this mean that a dotted-quarter note trill will only be
>> > "trilled" for a quarter note duration and will the spanner indicate
>> > the full dotted quarter duration?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Ken Wolcott

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