While my knowledge of Windows is extremely limited, my experience is that Windows lies to you. If you use Windows Explorer to navigate to c:\windows\fonts you will see a lot of fonts installed. If instead you open a command window, cd to the same directory and run "dir", you will get a different list. Presumably Windows Explorer is showing you all fonts the system knows about, even when they are not installed in c:\windows\fonts.
If lilypond is looking at the fonts directory, it will see only those fonts in that directory, and not those installed elsewhere in the system, On Sun, 16 Jan 2022, at 12:14, Michael Rivers wrote: > I'm pretty sure text fonts on Windows are kaput. Some work, some don't. The > fonts I'd like to use show up as installed properly in Settings and work in > all other apps I've tried, but not Lilypond. I'm on Windows 11, but I've also > tried on Windows 10.