Hello Elaine,

While I cannot say anything for sure (lacking a Windows system) I guess the 
fonts are installed in some folder in your user directory that is not part of 
the fontconfig font path. The system location for fonts on windows is C:
\Windows\Fonts. Try to copy your font files directly into this directory.


Am Samstag, 15. Jänner 2022, 01:19:18 CET schrieb Flaming Hakama by Elaine:
> Hi,
> I'm setting up an new lilypond environment
> on a surface pro running windows 10
> using VSCode as an editor,
> and cygwin as a terminal.
> I am not able to get lilypond to use my fonts yet.
> I was able to install them in windows itself,
> since I can see them in the windows Fonts Settings.
> To do this, I did some dragging & dropping,
> and some using "right-click > install" in the file navigator.
> But when I compile my lilypond files,
> the resulting files do not use the fonts.
> When I run "lilypond -dshow-available-fonts",
> while it does list numerous fonts,
> it does not list the fonts I installed.
> Specifically, I am using "Highlander ITC TT"
> for chord symbols.
> This is how I specify it, and this works on my other systems:
>   #(define fonts
>     (make-pango-font-tree "Marker Felt"
>                           "Highlander ITC TT"
>                           "LilyJAZZText"
>                            (/ myStaffSize 20)))
> Does anyone have any suggestions for how to get lilypond to find these
> fonts?
> FWIW, I'm running 2.23.2 on this machine, but I'm on 2.19.81 on my other
> machines.
> Thanks,
> Elaine Alt
> 415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
> highly underrated*"
> ela...@flaminghakama.com
> Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist ~ Educator
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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