Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Graham Percival wrote:
>> Is it possible to define a \markup macro that looks like a lilypond
>> command?
>> This produces the output I want:
>> \version "2.5.23"
>> #(def-markup-command (tempoMark layout props str) (markup?)
>>   (interpret-markup layout props
>>     (markup #:bold #:large str)))
>> \relative c'' {
>>   c4^\markup{ \tempoMark Allegro }
>> }
>> I'm wondering if I can alter the syntax so the command is used like
>> this:
>> \relative c'' {
>>   c4^\tempoMark{ Allegro }
>> }
> No,  it would require new code in parser.yy - but it is an intriguing
> idea that I'm willing to consider.

Are you thinking about adding a facility to specifically create
"markup functions", eg. some kind of music function returning a
markup iso a music expression, or making music function more generic
and possibly returning something else than music expressions?


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