On 11-May-05, at 2:42 AM, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
{ \tempoMark \markup Allegro c' }
You can not get rid of the explicit "\markup", though.
As long as you only want text you can; use a (string?)
\version "2.5.23" \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Mark_engraver" } \context { \Staff \consists "Mark_engraver" } }
tempoMark = #(def-music-function (parser location markp) (string?)
#{ \once \override Staff . RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #-1
\once \override Staff . RehearsalMark #'no-spacing-rods = ##t
%% eventually, some other overrides here
\mark \markup { \bold \italic $markp } #})
{ \tempoMark #"foo" c' }
I like this solution a lot better than my old one; thanks! - Graham
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