Oops, successive redundant *chords* with a changing bass note, I meant to say. LT
Harm, Thanks so much for sharing and tightening up this code for hiding redundant bass notes in successive slash chords, and thanks Elaine Alt for initiating the thread. It's a really useful feature to have in a leadsheet, and one I had been hoping was possible in Lilypond without too much trouble. Much appreciated! LT Am So., 2. Jan. 2022 um 09:06 Uhr schrieb Flaming Hakama by Elaine <ela...@flaminghakama.com>: > > On Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 8:07 AM Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> > wrote: >> How about: [...] > Yes, thanks, this works well if the initial chord is a minor chord. > > What would it take to have it work when the initial chord has a 7th? > > For other chord types, it seems to hide the root, but print the rest of the > chord symbol. Thanks spotting this, it means the whole approach changing chordRootNamer is insufficient. > Perhaps, in this block it would be possible to set additional properties > related to other parts of the chord symbol to ""? Regrettable: no. > I wasn't able to guess what those might be. > Are they listed somewhere? Well, all context-properties are listed in IR. You can observe the default settings their as well (alphabetical listed, see context Score) In /ly/engraver-init.ly they are thematical ordered. But none of them will help here, afaict. Instead please try the attached file - recreating the chords text, if conditions are matched. Cheers, Harm