Am Do., 30. Dez. 2021 um 20:29 Uhr schrieb Flaming Hakama by Elaine <>: > > Hi, > > I'm looking for a way to print a chord symbol which is a slash chord, > but where the top part (above the slash) is blank. > > So, I only want to print the slash + root note. > > The usage for this is when the previous chord repeats, > and only the bass note changes. > > Here is an MWE for a progression where I would like to use it. > > > \version "2.19.83" > > myChords = \chordmode { > d2:m d:m/cis | d:m/c d:m/b > } > melody = \relative c' { > \key d \minor > f2 a | c d | > } > > << > \new ChordNames { \myChords } > \new Staff { > \mark "Default" > \melody > } > >> > > > > Does anyone have suggestions for how to obtain this? > > I've tried using <> and spacers as the chord, > both of which produce "syntax error, unexpected /" > > myChords = \chordmode { > d2:m <>/cis | <>/c <>/b > } > > myChords = \chordmode { > d2:m s/cis | s/c s/b > } > > Is there some chord syntax notation that allows this? > > > > I was also considering, since I am already using my own chord exceptions, > is there a way to define an exception to specify to only print the slash part? > > While you can define a chord treatment such that it does not have anything in > it, > it seems that lily always prints the root and slash + bass note, > as shown in this second example: > > > myChordExceptions = { > <c ees g>1-\markup { } > } > chordExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions > myChordExceptions #t) ignatzekExceptions) > > << > \new ChordNames { > \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions > \myChords > } > \new Staff { > \mark "Empty" > \melody > } > >> > > > > As this second example demonstrates, the chord exceptions > are only applied to what is before the slash. > > Which is to say, I defined the treatment for a minor chord, > but it is used in all the slash chords that are minor, > not just the root position chord. > > Perhaps then all I need would be to hide the root of the chord? > Is that approach possible? > > If just hiding the root of the chord were possible, > I would be able to define a chord spec to identify these chords, > as in the following example where only the first (non-slash) chord has the > minor chord symbol. > > I realize, and am ok with the fact, > that defining non-semantic chord types like this > means it would be a print-only approach, > since I would need different chords for MIDI. > > %} > > hackChordExceptions = { > <c ees g cis'>1-\markup { } > } > chordExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions > hackChordExceptions #t) ignatzekExceptions) > > hackChords = \chordmode { > d2:m d:1.3-.5.8+/cis | d:1.3-.5.8+/c d:1.3-.5.8+/b > } > > << > \new ChordNames { > \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions > \hackChords > } > \new Staff { > \mark "Hack" > \melody > } > >> > > > > Please let me know if you have any thoughts. > > Thanks! > > > Elaine Alt > 415 . 341 .4954 "Confusion is > highly underrated" > > Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist ~ Educator > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > >>
How about: \version "2.23.5" #(define Bass_changes_equal_root_engraver (lambda (ctx) "For sequential ChordNames with same root, but different bass, the root markup is dropped: D D/C D/B -> D /C /B The behaviour may be controlled by setting the chordChanges context-property." (define sort-procedure (lambda (p1 p2) (< (car p1) (car p2)))) (let ((chord-pitches '()) (last-chord-pitches '()) (bass-pitch #f)) (make-engraver ((initialize this-engraver) (ly:context-set-property! ctx 'chordNoteNamer note-name->markup)) (listeners ((note-event this-engraver event) (let* ((pitch (ly:event-property event 'pitch)) (pitch-name (ly:pitch-notename pitch)) (pitch-alt (ly:pitch-alteration pitch)) (bass (ly:event-property event 'bass #f)) (inversion (ly:event-property event 'inversion #f)) (chord-changes (ly:context-property ctx 'chordChanges #f))) (cond (bass (set! bass-pitch pitch-name)) (inversion (set! bass-pitch pitch-name) (set! chord-pitches (cons (cons pitch-name pitch-alt) chord-pitches))) (else (set! chord-pitches (cons (cons pitch-name pitch-alt) chord-pitches)))) (if (and bass-pitch chord-changes (equal? (sort chord-pitches sort-procedure) (sort last-chord-pitches sort-procedure))) (begin (ly:context-set-property! ctx 'minorChordModifier "") (ly:context-set-property! ctx 'chordRootNamer (lambda (x y) ""))) (begin (ly:context-set-property! ctx 'minorChordModifier "m") (ly:context-set-property! ctx 'chordRootNamer note-name->markup)))))) (acknowledgers ((chord-name-interface this-engraver grob source-engraver) (set! last-chord-pitches chord-pitches) (set! chord-pitches '()) (set! bass-pitch #f))) ((finalize this-engraver) (set! last-chord-pitches '())))))) myChords = \chordmode { \set chordChanges = ##t d2:m d:m/cis d:m/c \set chordChanges = ##f d:m/b e1:7 \set chordChanges = ##t e \break \once \set chordChanges = ##f e1/f e2/gis e/+gis e e:m/f d:m d:m/cis d:m/c \set chordChanges = ##f d:m/b } << \new ChordNames \with { \consists #Bass_changes_equal_root_engraver } \myChords \new Staff \myChords >> HTH, Harm