On Sat, Dec 18, 2021 at 6:57 PM David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Paolo Prete <paolopr...@gmail.com> writes:
> > If you read again my posts, you will find the core specification, with
> > a specific word, since the very first posts of this thread, not at a
> > random place. And I repeated it several times. The magic word is:
> > *template*.
> That's a buzzphrase that doesn't concern _what_ you want to do but _how_
> you want to get it done.
Not really. I expressed as a spec that I wanted to obtain my result without
touching the template since the first post (---> avoid touching footer).
Then, this phrase simply repeats that initial statement, where "what I want
to do" has already the constraint "get it done in that way"

> In essence you are complaining that you do not see a proper "On" switch
> on an axe and you consider it a hack to move the axe towards wood rather
> than move the wood to the cutting device.

Not really. I'm not complaining anything/anyone. The hack I highlighted has
nothing to do with this example. There's already a proper "On switch" on
the LP template and I see it and its rule. I just don't want to violate it,
because when you have a _rule_ and you violate it for obtaining your
result, I call it a "hack".

> You need to accept that your wish to do things in a certain manner is
> not something others will automatically figure out just by repeatedly
> hearing in essence "no, that's wrong".  You will need to more actively
> participate in defining what will and what will not be a manner of
> arriving at a page layout that you deem acceptable.

That is what exactly I tried to do, in a *very active way*: I defined my
specs since the first post, and I went into detail for them multiple times
(readability, maintenance of the code etc.) . TBH I donì't understand what
you are talking about.

> --
> David Kastrup

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